WOODY.IO is a cutting-edge, self-governing data integration platform that empowers You to easily manage and oversee the entire data integration process, from source to destination.

With WOODY.IO, You can effortlessly connect to your data, regardless of where it is stored. The platform supports various data sources, including MS SQL Server, Azure SQL DB, ADLS, Excel, CSV, JSON, and Parquet files through File Upload, as well as SAP HANA, Snowflake, Databricks, and AWS S3. It accomplishes data integration through the creation of Entities and Import Templates wrapped into a Metamodel, which allow You to define column names, data types, and more. Furthermore, Business Rules can be added to Entities, using a very powerful engine developed in-house, thus bolstering Data Validation during Imports. WOODY.IO also provides Data Editing during Imports, which enables You to efficiently edit data in real-time.

Additionally, WOODY.IO boasts a robust role system, which empowers administrators to define what operations or actions a User can perform within the system, as well as what data they can access. This feature enables organizations to maintain optimal data security while ensuring that Users have the access they need to complete their tasks efficiently. Comprehensive Business Rules and full approval processes allow User to implement Data Governance successfully and quickly.

Curious to know more? Check out the in-text and video documentation we have shared below.

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