New Features

Application Service Principal

We have now introduced the possibility to define an Azure Entra Service Principal on Application Level which can be utilized in many of the supported Connection Types.

Supported Connection Types:

  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Azure Data Lake Service
  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Databricks
  • Snowflake (as Beta)

Databricks Notification

We added a new Notification Type. It is now possible to utilize Databricks as a destination for Event Notifications. Analog to Microsoft SQL Server, a SQL Statement can be executed. Furthermore, a complete Notebook or a Job can be started as well. This works both, on an All Purpose and SQL Warehouse Cluster.  

SQL Warehouse can also execute Notebooks, although there is a limitation that all cells have to be SQL cells. 

Plugin Interface (Experimental)

We implemented the possibility to sideload Plugins, which extend the functionality of WOODY.IO on the fly, without recompiling. This feature is currently experimental and not publicly available yet. 
Features, which can be added through Plugins are:
  • Drivers/Connections
  • Notifications
  • Transformations
  • Timed Jobs
  • Fileformats


Modernized MongoDB Docstore Client

We have modernized the MongoDB DocStore Client. This made some new configuration options available.

  docstore: {
    collectRUStatistic: false, // on Cosmos DB will Log RU Consupmption per query
    streamBatchSize: 1000, // Specifies how many documents get processed in one batch while writing
    removeBatchSize: 1000, // Specifies how many documents get processed in one batch while deleting
    options: { // The Mongodb Client Options. See:
      serverSelectionTimeoutMS: 60000 // Specifies how long (in milliseconds) to block for server selection before throwing an exception.


  • Added new path resolver in server, to omit subpackages and achieve smaller build size.  
  • Improved logging experience. 


  • Fixed an issue with Boolean Datatype in MSSQL and Databricks Connections.
  • Fixed an issue, where the Data page would not properly display error messages from Databricks.
  • Fixed an issue, where selecting an Import Template Entity Field would show an incorrect order.
  • Fixed MSSQL Connection label not displaying info text.
  • Fixed an issue with the Excel Import handling empty dates as 01.01.1970.
  • Fixed an issue in the Excel Import not loading times from date columns.
  • Fixed a Bug in which filters were breaking when values contained special characters like # (hashtag) or ‘ (single quote).
  • Fixed an issue where files could not be loaded from a long path inside AWS S3, Azure Datalake and Azure Blob Storage. New max path length is 400 characters.
  • Fixed a Bug where the user was redirected to a Metamodel id called “undefined”, when importing a Metamodel.
  • Fixed an issue where Fields which had indexes on them in a MSSQL Server Table were ignored when adding Entity from Connection.   

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed that the avatar initials images were selectable and draggable
  • Fixed a bug where the Dropdown could cause a site crash when the options were null
  • Fixed an issue where formateDate couldn’t handle null as an input value
  • Fixed a SimpleTable crash that was caused by explicit column header mappings

Package Updates

| Package | New | Old |
| ————- | —— | —— |
| @oh22/luna-ui | 0.0.29 | 0.0.27 |

Breaking Changes

  • Removed Legacy Post Persist TODO: Remove from API


Databricks Schema Option

Added the possibility to define a Connection Schema in Databricks Connections in the following format: `<catalog>.<schema>`.
This enables access to tables outside of the default catalog. More information can be found in the Connection Documentation.

Custom Service Principal Authentication

Added the possibility to use your own Service Principal Credentials for the following Connection types:
  • Azure Data Lake
  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Microsoft SQL Server


  • Internally changed the API for calling drivers

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with Multi Edit not applying to the first data row
  • Fixed an issue with Bigint values in MSSQL Live Edit
  • Fixed an issue where files were not displayed for blobs
  • Fields that are marked as Not Editable in an Import Template can’t be edited in Multi Edit anymore
  • Fixed Quick Edit values not updating after executing Multi Edit
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate Roles would be created during an Import
  • Fixed an issue with Databricks Connections that have a slash at the end of the URL
  • Fixed Import Data Table not refreshing after using the Reload Button
  • Fixed apostrophes duplicating after Quick Edit
  • Fixed Multi Edit “Affected rows” displaying non numeric values in some cases

Package Updates

| Package | New | Old |
| ————- | —— | —— |
| @oh22/luna-ui | 0.0.27 | 0.0.23 |

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with Databricks Clusters not starting when using Live Edit
  • Fixed an issue with Databricks SQL Warehouse Live Edit where the Total Count was incorrectly determined
  • Fixed an issue with Live Edit where Filter do not reset the Page Count
  • Fixed an issue with Role Business Rules being applied in the UI regardless of the user being part of the Role
  • Fixed an issue with Databricks SQL Warehouse where Tables with DEFAULT conditions could not be used for update Transactions


Databricks SQL Warehouse Connection

We have added Databricks SQL Warehouse as a new Connection type.

Key Vault Reference for Connection

WOODY.IO now supports the usage of Key Vault references in Connections.
Therefore a property can be added to the config.
“keyVault”: {
“<Name>”: {
“provider”: “<Provider>”,
“options”: {
“name”: “<KeyVaultName>”,
“auth”: <Auth>
| Placeholder | Description |
| ————— | ——————— |
| <Name> | Name for your config |
| <Provider> | Provider |
| <KeyVaultName> | Name of the Key Vault |
| <Auth> | Auth Config |